Código do produto: LIV
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Preço: 180,00 €
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Oliver Impey
The Ashmolean Museum's collection of Japanese export porcelain is perhaps the most comprehensive collection in the West. The present catalogue includes only the export wares, the Arita, Ko-Imari and Kakiemon porcelains of the years between about 1660 and 1740, the peak period of the trade. More than 400 pieces are included in the catalogue, each illustrated - some more than once - in colour, with some comparative material. This is probably the largest corpus of Japanese export porcelain published in any single volume, and will be an invaluable source for comparative studies. Many pieces have never been published before.
ISBN13: 9789074822398
Publication Year: 2002
Format: Hardback
Pages, Illustr.: 264 pp. 500 color illus.
Imprint: Hotei Publishing
Language: English




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